Change Is Hard

…but change is certain.

The upside of weeding


We interrupt our Norway travelog to tell you a sweet story from this afternoon.

I was bent over weeding under our redbud tree, moving slowly because I’d been weeding for awhile and standing up was getting more and more difficult.

I heard a ruckus above me, a sort of chirping chattering noise that continued for quite awhile. I figured it was a squirrel unhappy with me being under his tree.

Whatever it was kept it up to the point that I sort of looked back and up over my shoulder, trying to find the annoying perpetrator.

And, instead of a noisy little red squirrel I saw a downy woodpecker, standing on the main truck about three feet from my head. “Well hello there,” I said, wondering if the birdfeeder was empty and this little guy (or girl) was trying to tell me something. We locked eyes and I slowly stood up. The bird just moved down the trunk, getting even closer to me.

And then I realized the noise wasn’t coming from this bird, but another downy, almost the same size, sitting out at the end of a branch just a few feet further from me.

The bird on the tree trunk began to move up and down, looking, then picked out something special and flew to the bird at the end of the branch who opened his mouth obligingly for the snack. Then mama (or daddy) flew back to the truck to look for more.

The teenage bird was fed two more times with me standing right there and then the adult flew off and the youngster followed.

I loved that the two of them weren’t bothered by me being there, and I had to share it with you. I don’t have pictures, but you can imagine it. The images here are from our gardens, taken today.

I didn’t take any pictures of the weeds.

Author: dawnkinster

I'm a long time banker having worked in banks since the age of 17. I took a break when I turned 50 and went back to school. I graduated right when the economy took a turn for the worst and after a year of library work found myself unemployed. I was lucky that my previous bank employer wanted me back. So here I am again, a long time banker. Change is hard.

24 thoughts on “The upside of weeding

  1. How simply wonderful that you could be witness to such a sweet thing! I love when birds and squirrels feel comfortable enough to come close when I’m gardening at our kids’ homes. Your flowers are gorgeous!! Found your blog via Far Side of Fifty’s blog (comment section) and have added you to my blog list. Blessings to you, Dawn! ♥


  2. Ha! No pictures of weeds……the hydrangea is gorgeous!


  3. Interesting what you see when you are weeding. As a rule, I don’t like to weed anymore than you do. I’ve been watching a couple of woodpeckers myself, but I haven’t seen them weeding and every time I reach for the camera they take off. I’ll keep watching and weeding. I prefer war hung to weeding. Have a wonderful day.


    • Yes, weeding is not my favorite thing. At all. I knew I couldn’t go get the camera and I didn’t have my phone in my pocket, so I just stood there and enjoyed them. Probably best that way anyway.


  4. What a sweet story … and your garden blooms are lovely!


  5. Isn’t it amazing how sometimes the animals are not frightened by us at all. Love the tiger lily, now I have to go see if mine are in bloom at the house…


  6. What a wonderful moment to witness!!


  7. Well, that was amazingly wonderful. You just never know, do you? There seem to be some lessons floating around here lately about stop-look-and-listen! 🙂
    I’ve heard there is someone who blogs about RV-ing who has a tag line “Drive slowly. Stop often.”

    Liked by 1 person

  8. What a wonderful story and thing to witness! Maybe Mother Nature thinks we deserve a reward for the onerous task of weeding. It’s amazing the things we hear and see when we slow down.


  9. Beautiful, especially the hydrangea. Those are my favorite flower, have been for such a long time. That was so cool you were able to experience that. Thank you for sharing it.


  10. This is a lovely story. As for weeding, I used to find weeding strangely enjoyable after a hard week of teaching school. Somehow, I don’t want to think too deeply about that!


  11. Your descriptions were perfect. I caught the entire show. Thank you!

    It is said that the best thing for a good garden is the gardener’s shadow.

    I’d suggest, then, that the best thing for a gardener’s soul is being in the garden.


  12. That is a great story about the woodpeckers.Love the pictures.
    I think we all hate weeds but we have found a product called AMAZE that you can put out after you weed you toss this in on the dirt and it will keep the weeds from germinating. The downside is you can not plant seeds in the bed you use this in. If we stay on top of this and use this product 2 – 3 x a year it does its job.


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