Change Is Hard

…but change is certain.

The third (and last) Harrisville adventure debriefing


So what does a person do while camping at Harrisville State Park once the main mission has been accomplished?

It was a dark and stormy day.

Well. If we’d had another clear night I’d have been out there on the beach getting a second good look at the Milky Way. But we weren’t that fortunate.

We went to the marina on Tuesday to look at the boats. There weren’t many there.

Monday, as we were setting up camp under blue skies, a park employee told us that Tuesday would be rainy but Wednesday was going to be nice. We figured we’d get through Tuesday and find something fun to do on Wednesday.

Tuesday looked like this most of the day.

We figured wrong.

During the day Tuesday we kept expecting it to rain, but it was just breezy and cold. The rain held off, but we expected it at any time. It was really too cold to enjoy walking on the beach.

Layers helped. Sort of.

We went to the local library to stay warm as we tried to find something to do. I googled “What is there to do in Harrisville Michigan?” Google came back with 5 things.

The clouds were cool, though.

1. Sturgeon point lighthouse. Been there, it wasn’t open but we got an amazing image.

2. Harrisville State Park. That’s where we were staying.

3. Cedarbrook Trout Farm. Well, I guess that was a possibility.

4. Bailey School. Saw it through the window, it wasn’t open.

5. Sturgeon Point State Park. Well, that’s where the lighthouse is…so…..

We spent a couple hours at the library, reading magazines and hanging out. When we headed back to camp to make dinner it began to rain.

You can always count on a library to fill a couple of hours.

So we each grabbed some snacks and our reading material and ducked into our tents.

Peanut butter on crackers…perfect snack food.

Fourteen hours later it finally stopped raining. Though I like listening to waves while I sleep I really didn’t need to listen to them for that many hours in a row.

The view from my bed.

And the kicker was that Wednesday wasn’t really any better than Tuesday had been. Windy and cold. We decided to go to the local diner for breakfast.

A warm breakfast always helps to make the day brighter.

There we asked the waitress what there was to do in Harrisville, and she mentioned a couple of stores. One was an art gallery that we had planned on visiting, another was a resale shop with supposedly cool stuff just waiting to be picked over.

Not open for the season yet.

We had hope.

We skipped, reminiscent of the Wizard of Oz, down the city sidewalks. We were still cold.

But it turns out neither place was open because we were up there before Memorial Day, the official start to summer. Sigh.

We walked around the nearly empty town and then drove back to the library where I skimmed a book and she read another magazine.

A library can warm you up.

And then we decided to pack it in and go home.

Time to go, even though it wasn’t technically time to go.

We’d only made one meal at camp. We’d spent way more hours in our tents than we’d planned. It was cold and wet.

We’d accomplished my goal so we could call the trip a success, and sleeping in a real bed in a warm house looked pretty good. It only took us an hour to throw everything in the car and head home.

Sometimes you have to admit that Mother Nature won.

Of course halfway home we stopped at a roadside park and the sun came out. But that was OK, we felt good about our decision to bail on our last night at camp.

The sun came out on our way home. Made us smile.

After all, there’s always another adventure waiting in the wings. I could tell you what and where, but that would spoil the story.

This little guy ate better than we did!

And I wouldn’t want to do that.

Author: dawnkinster

I'm a long time banker having worked in banks since the age of 17. I took a break when I turned 50 and went back to school. I graduated right when the economy took a turn for the worst and after a year of library work found myself unemployed. I was lucky that my previous bank employer wanted me back. So here I am again, a long time banker. Change is hard.

28 thoughts on “The third (and last) Harrisville adventure debriefing

  1. VERY nicely coiled lines from that boat on the dock, very impressive.

    And I loved that little Douglas/Red Squirrel at the end … handsome gal/guy.


  2. Ok, and I LOVE libraries. 🙂 And I love that photo of rain drops on your tent.


  3. The trip was worth it for your photos. I’m sure you enjoyed having time with your sister as well. I’ve definitely been in your place a few times when high hope for a nice camping trip get literally dampened by the weather!


  4. Dawn this is an image of this Park and this boat on the dock. This Chipmunk on the table. Anita


  5. Hi, Dawn! Sorry that your trip ended sooner than you hoped but you did get some nice photos. Even better, you got to hang out with your sister. 😊 A library is always a good place to spend time…second best is a good bookstore. Thank you for sharing your trip with us. I bet Penny was happy that you were home! 😊


  6. Not much fun being cold and wet, I probably would have packed it in too. I hate taking down a wet tent though. So far with my trailer, I’ve never set up or took down the trailer in the rain. Hoping our luck holds this summer.


    • Yes I hate packing a wet tent too. If we had known that Wednesday would not be fun we could have packed up while stuff was still dry on Tuesday before the rain came at 5 p.m.


  7. That Tuesday was the day of the tornadoes in Portage wasn’t it Dawn? The 14-hour incessant rain would have done me in. When I was a kid my father said “let’s go camping on our family vacation.” My parents rented a tent, but bought sleeping bags, air mattresses, a cooler and a cook stove. The first night it poured and there was a leak in the tent, so we stayed in hotels enroute and returning from Oklahoma, with me sitting beside a wet tent in a huge bag and camping supplies in the backseat of a VW, (circa 1963).


  8. I love libraries, too, and could spend hours inside one! Much better to curl up with a good book on a cold, wet day than to do battle with Mother Nature. As you said, she always wins!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Cold is one thing, cold AND damp is a whole different ball game. You guys lasted much longer than I would. I’d be googling “hilton near me”. 😊


    • I did that one year, Katie and I were so cold. Well, I was so cold. I googled hotels near me and there were done. So I put socks on my hands and tried to get some sleep.


  10. Still an adventure I would say. The milky way pics were great and although you were on the rainy end of nature your posts tell a good story. I really like the overcast beach images.


  11. We make it a point to stop in the library of a new town we visit! It sounds like you made the best of what mother nature threw at you- and opting for breakfast in the diner a wise move! Love the painted sidewalk- thanks for taking us along!


    • Libraries are some of my favorite places to spend time. In fact I’m sitting in one now catching up on my emails. Yes, I never used to eat anywhere but my campsite when I camped…but lately it just seems easier to go get something to eat. Especially when it’s raining and cold!


  12. I love your sense of spirit and adventure. I can’t imagine finding a partner in crime to keep me company camping in this manner…. mind you, I can’t imagine myself camping in a tent anymore, either!

    Wonderful photos despite the weather.


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