Change Is Hard

…but change is certain.

Bird worthy


So let’s see….I was a miserable failure according to the little birds over on the nature trails, so I decided to go out to the boardwalk to see what if anything was going on at the heron rookery.

The sky was clouding over when I got out to the boardwalk.

Every year I try to get out there frequently in the spring to watch the littles grow up. But I never get there enough, and this year I missed all of it.

Perhaps an adult resting after lunch duty.

Cause the littles weren’t so little anymore!

Are the nests empty?

It was about mid-day and most of the feeding activity had apparently already happened. There wasn’t much in the way of adults flying around.

Nope, not empty. They’re just deep and still hold hungry little ones.

But there was still enough activity to initiate a few anxious moments as the teenagers determined if the adult flying in was their adult.

Guess that wasn’t our order, guys.

Disappointment ran rampant.

This nest held four hopeful teenagers. They were keeping an eye out for mom or dad.

I enjoyed watching this mama (or daddy?) heron working on their nest.

Cleaning up the household.

After she got it the way she wanted it she rested a moment, shook her feathers and then sat back down.

Newborns are just so much work!

I think it’s a little late for eggs to still be there but maybe she has some late arrival babies in there.

I hope my partner shows up soon to spell me for awhile.

Mostly the adults just seemed tired of all the noise and chaos.

I swear, these kids need to grow up and take some responsibility for getting their own meals.

I wasn’t getting anything all that exciting when a group of kids showed up and I figured it was time to go.

Everybody’s having a good time, but they were noisier than the birds.

But then I took a few more pictures of stuff…

Hey! Where is everybody?

and as I was doing that I saw this swan flying toward me.


Directly at me, actually,


Until he (or she) was right there in front of me and then overhead. It was amazing and resulted in my favorite shots of the day.


Things like being in the flight path of a swan make me want to go out there every day. I was definitely smiling as I headed for the car.

Not duck!!! SWAN!!!! (You see what I did there…)

And I smiled some more when I stopped at a little picnic area on my way out of the park. But that will have to wait.

Why do you always do this, lady?

Author: dawnkinster

I'm a long time banker having worked in banks since the age of 17. I took a break when I turned 50 and went back to school. I graduated right when the economy took a turn for the worst and after a year of library work found myself unemployed. I was lucky that my previous bank employer wanted me back. So here I am again, a long time banker. Change is hard.

20 thoughts on “Bird worthy

  1. Beautiful! And yes, I saw what you did there.


  2. Hi, Dawn! What an exciting encounter! That just may be a once in a lifetime experience – and you held your composure to get some great photos!! Wow!! Thanks so much for sharing!! 😊


  3. What a fabulous bunch of shots, Dawn! And to get the swan overhead like that? Sweet!!


  4. What a fun day at the rookery Dawn. I see so many pictures of the little ones and the nests at Kensington posted on the Huron-Clinton Metropark Photography Facebook site. I have never seen any heron nests at Lake Erie Metropark, so I don’t know where they are building them – they should be easy enough to find as big as they are. I loved the always-hungry teenagers anxious for a meal and seeing a non-family member zipping by. I’ve never had a swan fly overhead – how exciting and to hear that intensified hum of its wings. You were in the right place at the right time!


    • I didn’t know there was such a FB site…I’ll have to go look it up. I was definitely in the right place. I’m glad I didn’t leave when the kids showed up.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I laughed that the nest looked empty, then the kids stood up … how do they “fold down” those long spindly legs? You will enjoy that FB page and will probably contribute to it. Most of the photos are from Kensington Metropark, but one guy, Alex Provenzino, does most of his shots from Lake St.Clair Metropark – I really like his work. And there’s never any bickering or snarkiness like some FB sites.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I went and scrolled through the Metropark photographers FB page. Lots of great stuff! I think I need to visit either the Lake Erie Metro Park or the Lake St. Clair Metro Park…which do you think I should visit first?

          Liked by 1 person

        • I knew you would like this FB page Dawn. I have never been to Lake St. Clair Metropark but there are a lot of postings there and photographer Alex Provenzino finds a lot to photograph there. To be honest, there are only one or two people that post photos from Lake Erie Metropark and that is not often. Awhile back someone saw an owl there and several people asked him to pinpoint where and he just said “in a tree on the trail.” I never saw it. I have found an osprey nest built on a platform near the marina. There are deer, but that’s hit or miss. Some days I go and never see a deer. Since you are at Kensington MP, several of the photographers tell where they find nests. There was an owl bucket with nesting owls and photographers compare photos of the same place. Photographers were watching a hawk and its offspring for about three weeks. There were lots of cute baby pictures at KMP.

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Wonderful bird shots, Dawn! Such a fun variety of birds. So cool to see herons nesting and babies growing. Love the incoming swan that made you duck! You’re lucky she didn’t leave you a present.

    Our Phoebe fledglings are sitting in the rain on our deck furniture. They’re being fed, but I wonder why mom doesn’t move them to a better spot.


  6. Awesome shots, especially of the incoming swan. Just wow, Dawn! And I can’t help but wonder how four teenaged herons fit in a nest that small — no wonder their parents are ready for them to fly on their own.


  7. Wow – that is amazing! 🤩


  8. That swan photo…wow! And so cool to see so many herons in one place. I only ever see a sole heron.

    You are so lucky to have this special place near you (but you know that).


    • I bet there’s a heron rookery somewhere near you. I don’t know how to find them though…maybe it’s a google thing. But yes, I know Kensington is beyond special. It’s one of the reasons I’d be sad to move away.


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