Change Is Hard

…but change is certain.

And finally…


As I was leaving Kensington, having been run out of town on the trails by the little birds, and on the boardwalk by a marauding swan and a big group of kids, I stopped at a little picnic area, off the beaten path.

Are you SURE you don’t have anything to eat? Can you check your pockets again?

I thought maybe the birds there would be more forgiving, since they don’t get many visitors. I turned on my Merlin app and let it record the birds singing as it identified who was nearby.

We didn’t want her food anyway. It’s not good for growing cygnets.

A vireo, a common yellow throat, a warbler, a bluebird, a flicker, a red winged blackbird. And of course a robin.

“I’ll just stay still, she’s not interested in me anyway.

I could hear the vireo and the common yellow throat coming from down near the marsh, so I crept that way. I spent a long time standing still staring up at a cottonwood tree that I’m pretty sure hid the yellow throat. But I never saw anything move.

No birds, but this daisy was nice.

I’d already been out at the park for hours and I was hungry, having forgotten to bring myself anything to eat either. So I headed back toward the car, past the picnic pavilion where I saw this little guy.

If I stand real still you won’t notice me, right lady?”

Well, it’s not a photogenic location, but heck, it’s a bluebird. Right?

He flew up into a tree and then over to the outhouse building. Still not a photogenic location, but the sun was pretty on him there.

“From this perch I can see what’s going on all over this picnic area.”

He bounced around there, from the corner of the building down to the ground up into a tree and back to the building again. Then I lost track of him, couldn’t find him anywhere.

“I’m a velcro bird! I can hang out anywhere!”

I decided it was time to go home, and I turned around to head to the car and, little stinker, there he was on the path right next to me!

“Hey lady! Pay attention, you’re gonna step on me here!”

It was as if he was laughing at me as I took my third, not photogenic, photo of him just because he was beautiful.

And then he flew up into a branch and stayed there, posing until I got the shot.

“Thanks for playing lady, I had fun too.”

Well thank you kindly, Mr. Bluebird, for playing along. You sure made me smile that afternoon! And I’m still smiling today!

Author: dawnkinster

I'm a long time banker having worked in banks since the age of 17. I took a break when I turned 50 and went back to school. I graduated right when the economy took a turn for the worst and after a year of library work found myself unemployed. I was lucky that my previous bank employer wanted me back. So here I am again, a long time banker. Change is hard.

27 thoughts on “And finally…

  1. What a handsome bird!! Nice shots of him. And I have to say, I love the daisy and Mrs. Cardinal was pretty lovely. That butterfly/moth is cool, too.


  2. The bluebird is a beauty. I think you photographed him well in all his landing spots. The photo of him stepping out with his wings all aflutter is such a cute one.


  3. Birds are nice, but that daisy… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Talk about wowing you to give you a pose. 🙂 I have never seen a Bluebird – I think we have them around here, as I follow my former Flame Furnace HVAC tech who bought a Wild Birds Unlimited store and runs it with his wife. They have Bluebird nesting boxes in their backyard in Brownstown and get Bluebirds all the time.


    • Yes I’m sure you have them there. We have one couple that hangs around our yard most summers. Haven’t had them successfully nest here in many years, but they’re around. Other birds end up in the nesting boxes each year. We also have them down at the Alabama lake house…so I’m guessing you have them around too! They like to sit up in trees and dive down to the ground to catch insects, then they fly back up to the tree to eat.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I am not surprised that Phil (from Wild Birds Unlimited) has them. He posts pictures of his backyard and he has every type of feeder the store carries and he recently put out one of those feeders with the cameras built inside the feeder.


  5. Wow, spectacular! All of them. But I especially like photos #3 and #8. Your photos are gorgeous. You are an incentive. 🙂


  6. Hi, Dawn! That was a cute interaction with the male bluebird. No matter the setting or surroundings…Mr Bluebird looks so handsome! 😊


  7. I love how you gave Mr. Bluebird so much character in these photos. He was charming indeed. The perfect bokeh shot is delightful! You did that in your camera and didn’t require fancy editing, that’s a gift! That moth was a nice find too – it looks like bark. I have Merlin app too, but don’t know how to use it like you do. My daughter put it on my phone when we were trying to figure out what kind of hawk was on our fence. I enjoyed seeing your finds this adventure, well done!


    • Merlin is wonderful. When I open my Merlin up, there’s a largish box that says at the top: Identify a Bird. Inside the box are three circles: “Step by Step,” “Sound ID,” “Photo ID.” I tap on the Sound ID and it starts listening for birds, it shows you a grey image that moves as the sounds are recorded. As it hears things it starts listing, with pictures, the birds it hears. You stop it by pressing the red stop button at the bottom.

      You should try it. I enjoy sitting on my deck and recording just to see what’s around. I have been surprised at the birds I had no idea were out there, because they are not bird feeder eaters.

      You can delete the recording after if you want, to not use up phone memory. Or you can keep some to listen to later.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you for the tips on Merlin. I took a screenshot to save the instructions. I often wonder what the birds are that I hear singing and can’t see them in the tree. It’s 4:44 am and still dark, but there’s a bird out there singing up a storm! 😂

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Aw, I love that Velcro bird! And it does seem like he was playing a game with you — and he even looks a bit proud of himself at the end! The moth and the daisy are nice additions, too.


  9. Such wonderful shots! You have a talent, Dawn! 😍



  10. Sweet little bluebird! Cooperative, too, eh?


  11. Yes, thank YOU Mr. Bluebird. You are stunning 💙

    Off to search my app store for the Merlin app. Did not know such a thing existed, but I need it!


    • Hope you found it. You can put it on your phone for free, and you can customize it with the part of the US you’re from so it is looking for birds that are in your area. I like to sit on the deck and turn it on and find out what’s around. I am often surprised.


  12. I read your posts backwards as it seems the weekends are when I get around to reading these days. Life is a bit crazy right now, hoping it calms a bit soon. I thoroughly enjoyed both of these posts – wonderful opportunities you had to enjoy and photograph these birds. Seems like you have some great parks to enjoy near you!

    Liked by 1 person

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