Change Is Hard

…but change is certain.


Another version of lucky to play

Hey everybody, it’s me, Penny!

Nothing going on in my yard today. Sigh.

I’ve been hanging around our my house a lot. I’m sort of bored, so I bug mom and dad by poking them in the knee. If mom’s on her stupid phone I jump up next to her and knock it out of her hand. That’s her cue to take me to a park.

It usually works.

Yep, here we are at another park.

But this past week while we were at a park I asked mom if we could please do something more fun. Like with friends and stuff. Because, not to be rude, but walking around in the trees with my mom all the time gets sort of…well…repetitive.

Can’t we do something different, mom?

And you know what she did? She took me with her to visit my dog mom, Vivian, and her bestie, Oliva!

Olivia has the ball and Vivian is just full of joy to be running!

And even better we got to play in their yard, all three of us together! At first I wasn’t sure about the rules and I hung back on the deck observing the craziness below.

Olivia seems to be the owner of the ball.

But then I figured it out. The rules are that there ARE NO RULES! So game on!

Wait for me you guys!

It was a warm day so we didn’t run too long, but while we were running, we were running hard!

The infamous two headed sheltie.

And let me tell you, three excited shelties chasing a ball on a beautiful late spring day sure make a lot of noise! Mom was hoping the neighbors were all at work.

Let me at that ball!

We went back inside after a few races around the yard, to cool off and settle down.

This is my mom, Vivian. Isn’t she beautiful?

Well…maybe just to cool off. Three shelties don’t settle down all at once you know.

This is Olivia, the keeper of the ball. She’s beautiful too.

Then after our cooling break we went out one more time to have some more fun. I was an active participant from the start, cause I knew just what this game was about.

It’s all about that ball.

I had so much fun running free without being tethered to one of my folks. Not that I don’t love my walks with them…but seriously, I doubt they’d be able to keep up.

I can fly!

We were just flying around that yard!

I got close to the ball a few times, but I never did get it away from Olivia. I figure that’s OK, it was her yard, her rules, you know?

You’re a really good ball keeper, Olivia!

I’m just glad I got to play in a big backyard with a tree where we could rest in the shade in between bouts of running.

We posed together like good girls…cause mom had treats!

But mostly we just played and played and played.

My hind end wanted to fly away a lot that afternoon.

It was nonstop mayhem!

Hey, maybe we can cut her off at the pass, Vivian!

In the end I didn’t really need the ball, I was just loving the chase. Vivian and Olivia were real nice hosts and let me play with them until it got too warm and we all decided to go inside again.

Hey mom, can you open this door for us?

And then it was time to say goodbye. I had a wonderful time, and I’m so glad I get to stay in contact with my dog mom, Vivian and her bestie Olivia and of course my Mama S.

We need a goodbye treat, ok mom?

A girl can only run so far in one day.

I’m a lucky girl.

And I know it too.

There were a lot of sheltie smiles that afternoon!

Signing off, all these pictures of us running have tired me out. Time for a little nap.

Your exhausted girl, Lucky Penny.


Hey! What about me?

Penny here. Geeze people, here I am having all sorts of adventures and mom and my aunt take off camping for a couple days and get to post about it for years. Ok. For days.

This is my studious look. I think it works.

But my point is, do I get to post? No I do not. I have not been given access. Until now, when mom finally gave into my pressure. I told her I won’t sleep in her stinking tent until she posts about all the fun stuff I’ve already done this month!

We went to Katie’s park for our annual photo shoot.

I know my friends have been wondering what I’ve been up to and let me tell you I’ve been really busy! And most of what I’ve been into isn’t going to get me into trouble either! Win-win!

Mom likes a good head tilt, and I try to oblige.

First off, as most of you know, my sister Angel Katie always had a spring yellow flower photo shoot with mom. Well, she told me all about it and I demanded equal yellow flower opportunity. I’m pretty sure it’s in my contract with my folks. So mom took me over to Katie’s park one day early this month.

Mom says I did really good. I thought it took way too long.

Are we almost done, mom?

Then when my Aunt Beth was here we stopped near some other yellow flowers and mom grabbed a few pictures. By then I was an expert at being a model, so it didn’t take long at all.

I think the sun was in my eyes that day.

My Aunt Beth and mom and I also went on quite a few walks in different parks. We all had the best time with beautiful blue skies and hardly any bugs!

Aren’t I cute?

I got to show Aunt Beth several of my own personal parks and especially how well I can sit for the camera. As long as there were treats available, of course.

I look kind of small, don’t I.

She was very impressed.

And THEN, the most exciting thing! I got to go on a walk with my Aunt Beth and my Mama S and my mom and even my doggy mom Vivian and her roommate Oliva!

Mom asked them to walk up this trail to set us up for a photo.

It was amazing! Three shelties all going for a walk together. I tell you what, we caused lots of heads to turn when we all walked by!

It wasn’t easy to get the three of us lined up.

OK, so sometimes I was a little rambunctious, and Mama S had to tell me to straighten up. After all, I’m still a baby…right? Oh…what….no? Not so much?

Sometimes a girl’s just got to leap for joy.

Well, I guess I’ll start acting more adult tomorrow, but that day I had so much fun! I got to share one of my favorite parks with my three moms and my aunt!

Yep we had a great time walking together.

I’m so grateful that Mama S brought her girls along on this walk! I promised her we’d do it again soon!

That’s my mom, Vivian next to me (I’m in the center) and her bestie Olivia on the right.

And then, still in the month of May, I got to go on a play day with my friend Lance! I can’t even begin to figure out how mom and dad managed to get this much fun stuffed into one month!

My friend Lance on the left, me on the right.

I think I better rest up for June!

Talk later,

Your playful pup, Penny.