Change Is Hard

…but change is certain.



Penny here.

We interrupt mom’s exciting (not) bird stories to show you a picture she just found on her laptop of my sister Bonnie. Bonnie was mom and dad’s sheltie before Katie. Obviously I never got to meet her, but I hear she was a very good girl.

Looks like mom was into yellow flowers decades ago!

Here’s Bonnie.

And here’s Katie.

And here’s me!

The yellow flower sisters!

PS: I hear today is International Sheltie Day, and I can’t think of a better way to celebrate it than posting about my sisters!

Talk later, your historian pal,


Author: dawnkinster

I'm a long time banker having worked in banks since the age of 17. I took a break when I turned 50 and went back to school. I graduated right when the economy took a turn for the worst and after a year of library work found myself unemployed. I was lucky that my previous bank employer wanted me back. So here I am again, a long time banker. Change is hard.

41 thoughts on “Three

  1. Aww, such sweet memories! Three beautiful dogs!


    • It’s interesting to see them all together like this. We also had a sheltie before Bonnie, named Daisy, who lived with my husband before I met him. She came with the marriage but only lived a year or so after we got married. She was a really good dog and I don’t have any pictures of her.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. How wonderful to see the three. So very different are they and all equally beautiful. Happy Sheltie Day!


  3. They always says things happen in THREES – in this case, it is surely pretty SheltieSmiles!


    Willow Who was just here at The Khottage for THREE years!!!


  4. The flower power girls! You all look so pretty. Happy Sheltie Day, Penny!


  5. Happy International Sheltie Day, Penny! I met Katie but I think Bonnie was before I met your mom.


  6. All such pretty girls! We had four Shelties, two girls and two boys. I miss them all very much. Misty, Moses, Captain and G’Day Mate.


    • Awwww, Penny is our 4th too, we had Daisy when we got married, then Bonnie and then Katie and now Penny. Your four were most likely wonderful. I especially like the G’Day Mate name!


  7. My goodness! Those are three gorgeous dogs! I dare say, Penny might be the prettiest of all three.


  8. Fun find and collection!


  9. Penny – you are the third beautiful Sheltie that Mom and Dad had. Let me wish you Happy International Sheltie Day. Did Mom and Dad do something special for you? I thought you and Lance looked alike, even though he IS a boy, but you, Bonnie and Katie all look very different.


    • Yes they were all 3 very different dogs, in personality and looks. We had Daisy before Bonnie, also a sheltie but I don’t think I have any pictures of her. She was my husband’s dog before we got married and she lived about a year after. She was such a good girl.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Wonderful! Beautiful pics…


  11. Three beautiful girls! ❤️❤️❤️


  12. Awwwww. Three beautiful, regal ladies. 🥰


  13. Definitely a pattern here! A very pretty pattern!


  14. Happy International Sheltie Day!!!


    Liked by 1 person

  15. I didn’t know there was such a thing as International Sheltie Day, Miss Penny. Thank you for educating me. I’ll have to make myself a note so I won’t forget it next year. (Monk says I’m entitled to one mess-up, but no more!) Loved the pix of you and your two sisters, flanked in yellow!


  16. Your Mom sure knows how to pick special and beautiful Sheltie’s.


  17. Bonnie was tiny and Katie looked so similar to Dakota as she got older. It still amazes me sweet Penny, how very much you and our Levi resemble each other. Tell Mom we HAVE to still get together!


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