Change Is Hard

…but change is certain.

Finishing up 2022


I’m sitting here watching my birds at our feeders. We have a lot of feeders, starting out with one we thought they could all share…then realizing that some birds aren’t sharers at heart.

Waiting his turn.

Now I fill 4 feeders every morning, and hope I can go the rest of the day without heading out to fill them again. But with the weather this week, all the wind and cold and snow, the birds were ravenous and I ended up out there more than once on each cold, nasty day.

Make room for one more!

Anyway, the year is winding down and I feel like I should be reflecting on 2022. But, in our family, it was a difficult year and one that might best be let go without any formality.

Grab a seed and go, little buddy, before that big woodpecker comes back!

Best, maybe, to anticipate next year. I am very hopeful about 2023.

It’s hard to wait your turn when you’ve got snow melting on your beak.

I’m hoping there are camping adventures waiting in the woods, perhaps even near a dark sky park.

A fluffy downy woodpecker checks out the inventory.

I am hopeful for clear warm summer nights when the moon is new, and wild stormy cloud filled skies during afternoon barn searches.

A hairy woodpecker wants to know who ate all the peanuts.

I’m hopeful for lush gardens of vibrant flowers filled with fat buzzing bees and the whisper of hummingbird wings.

A nuthatch keeps watch while grabbing a snack.

I’m hopeful for red ripe tomatoes warmed by the afternoon sun, and bluebirds nesting in their boxes way out in the yard.

Mr. Cardinal enjoys a peaceful lunch.

I’m hopeful for a long bike ride or two, and more than a couple kayak trips down a river or across a lake.

Mrs. Redbelly asks who failed to clean the snow off the suet?

I’m hopeful I’ll see Alabama again after too long away, that I’ll get to float again in the warm southern waters talking with neighbors and family until the sun slides down in a glorious sunset.

The bluejay is not known for waiting patiently.

And I’m hopeful I’ll get to see my Lake Michigan in all it’s moods a few times too, maybe even Lake Superior if I’m extra lucky.

The mourning dove is almost always the last bird in to eat.

I hope I’ll be able to roam further from home too, perhaps even to dark skies in other states. I’ve heard Michigan does not hold a monopoly on the stars.

Mr. Redbelly decides what his next snack should be.

And I’m hoping I’ll get to share it all with you. And maybe, just maybe if we’re exceptionally lucky, I’ll be able to share it with a new puppy.

A bit of peaceful coexistence.

But that’s a story that has to wait to be told.

Eating as fast as he can.

Meanwhile I’ll sit in my chair near the window and watch my birds as they devour their lunch and dream about another, happier, year.

Mrs. Cardinal eats her fill.

May you all have dreams for 2023, and may the best of those come true.

A house finch chews on an after-dinner stem.

Author: dawnkinster

I'm a long time banker having worked in banks since the age of 17. I took a break when I turned 50 and went back to school. I graduated right when the economy took a turn for the worst and after a year of library work found myself unemployed. I was lucky that my previous bank employer wanted me back. So here I am again, a long time banker. Change is hard.

35 thoughts on “Finishing up 2022

  1. Wishing you a good year and fulfilled dreams to you too. Great photos, as usual!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for your good wishes and these sweet pictures. I hope 2023 will bring everything you can hope for.


  3. Happy thoughts, indeed! Fingers crossed you realize all your hopes and dreams in the coming year.


  4. Beautiful photos. Wishing you a wonderful 2023 ahead!


  5. Wishing you a wonderful 2023, Dawn. And hoping to share in those adventures.


  6. What a wonderful selection of visitors you get!
    I am hoping you get to do all that in the new year and, of course, share some of them with us!
    Happy New Year, Dawn.


  7. What is that darling little bird in the fourth photo from the top? I have been helping (at least with talk) a friend in a puppy search this past week, and it has been a wild series of ups and downs, excitement and second thoughts, but I am pretty sure she will have a puppy before the end of the week. I hope you don’t have to wait too long. Life is hard without a dog. Like you don’t know that! Hugs —

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Dawn, may all your hopes and dreams come true in the new year. I look forward to see where you take us! Regarding a new puppy (💕 how exciting!), I have no doubt that Katie is helping to find and guide the perfect pup to you all. It may take a while…Katie has high standards! Such a nice variety of birds at your feeders – well worth the cold, soggy trips to make refills.


  9. I recently moved to Lacey, WA, and haven’t yet set up bird feeders … thank you for reminding me how wonderful those little critters are!
    Yep, Katie is QUITE busy rooting around finding you another pup … errr, I mean “Princess/Prince”.
    Stupendous photos, thank you.


  10. lovely photos, as always. wishing you the happiest of new years. may 2023 be the best year yet. peace.


  11. This is a nice way to remember 2022, Dawn, feeding the sweet birdies and reflecting on a difficult year. I’m right there with ya as I write my Sunday Stills post (2022 in the rear-view mirror) and remember some sad times. I suppose life will do that for us. It’s nice you are giving life to these birds in the form of much-needed food with all your snow; such gorgeous pictures! We’ve been feeding the birds too, mostly dark-eyed junkoes and northern flickers. We have a LOT of snow in the Spokane area, already over 30 inches of accumulation.


  12. I love your list of “hopes”. Wishing you all the best in 2023, and I am soooo here for your puppy photos if and when that happens!


  13. What a beautiful post Dawn. I do hope your hopes become reality. Our temps have been so low I am filling the feeders twice a day. Wishing you happiness in the coming year, and more adventures you will share with us. ❤


  14. Beautiful lighting on the titmouse on the top of the feeder hook. Are you outside when you take these?

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Dawn, I love your list and HOPE all your dreams for 2023 come true.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. THose are amazing. I love cardinals and just shared a photo of them on my instagram. I also really liked your list and hope they come to pass this year.


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