Change Is Hard

…but change is certain.

Sage advice from a young pup


Penny here! Bet you’ve been wondering what I’ve been up to!

Don’t you kind of wonder what’s over this hill?

Well, first off let me tell you that I’ve been going to school every week. Mom takes me into the ring and gives me treats when I do stuff. Daddy comes along to watch cause I’m beautiful. Or something.

For the last two weeks I have decided I need to tell the other dogs in my class off, and I’ve been lunging and growling and barking at them. Mom takes me right out of the ring when I do that. Dad shakes his head. They haven’t figured out what my problem is — I’ve been going to school since I was a baby and never did this before.

Mom is very discouraged.

A girl just wants to have fun, mom.

But on happier fronts, daddy has been getting some work done on my castle so there’s lots of strangers and weird noises that cause me to bark. A lot. After all it’s my responsibility to warn my folks of all imminent danger.

Hills are good for you, mom!

So mom’s been packing me and my stuff up and taking me away for days at a time. I’m not always sure I want to go, because sometimes when she bundles me up in the car I end up at the groomer or the vet.

What’s that in there, mom?

But so far we’ve been visiting parks! A different park every day! Sometimes two parks in a day!

There’s people out there!

Mom and I have been walking millions of trillions of steps every day. She says she’s tired. We both sleep all night, so that’s good. I personally think it’s good for mom to get out more. I’m doing my duty as a faithful dog to show her a good time.

And I guess, if I’m honest, she’s doing the same for me.

We’re having a good day, aren’t we mom!

I don’t think a dog could have a better time than I do when I’m at a park. Mom lets me sniff stuff, she’s not in a big hurry, but I move along right away if she says “leave it, let’s go.” I know there will be another good spot right up the path.

There always is.

Hey mom! They burned my woods! The green will come back, right mom?

I think that’s a lesson you humans should learn too. There’s always a good spot right up the path.

I’m a happy girl!

You can say you heard that here first, and thank me later.

Don’t forget to stop and smell the flowers!

Gotta run, mom’s waiting for me. Talk to you next time!

-Your Park Ranger Girl, Penny.

Author: dawnkinster

I'm a long time banker having worked in banks since the age of 17. I took a break when I turned 50 and went back to school. I graduated right when the economy took a turn for the worst and after a year of library work found myself unemployed. I was lucky that my previous bank employer wanted me back. So here I am again, a long time banker. Change is hard.

46 thoughts on “Sage advice from a young pup

  1. Oh, that closeup of you, Miss Penny, is adorable! I love the ones of you at your parks, too, but staring into your soulful eyes is extra-special. I’m not gonna tell Monk you get to go to two parks in one day. No, siree. He’d love doing that, too, but we’ve had nothing but rain, and this lazy mama doesn’t like being wet much (nor smelling wet dog!) Hope your mom figures out why you’re suddenly growling at your classmates.


    • It’s been raining here, too, Ms Debbie! For two whole days I’ve had to hang around inside. I’m going crazy! Mom promised to take me somewhere inside, but then she didn’t do it. I hope we get to do something tomorrow!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Well, Penny, I guess sometimes a girl just has to let off a little steam. Hopefully, between you and mom, this gets figured out.

    Your walks look great! Maybe you can growl at the leaves and trees instead. Thanks for the update, Park Ranger Girl!


  3. Hello, sweet Penny!

    Thank you for checking in! You are having quite the adventure. Two parks in one day? You cannot beat that! I bet there were so many new smells to sniff, and perfect spots to leave your calling card. X marks the spot – Penny was here! I noticed that you were sniffing a daffodil – do you like to smell flowers? My pup Henri loves flowers! He was sniffing the Persian Lilac Bush foliage a week before it bloomed. Now each time we go outside, I pull a branch down so he can sniff the heavenly fragrance. He went bonkers trying to find the blooming hyacinth in the house. He had to smell those flowers, too. 

    Going to school…I feel your (mom & dad’s) pain. Henri will turn 1 the end of the month. There are times when he will not listen or decide he knows how long he should sit & stay. I correct him and ask if he lost his mind and tell him, “Mommy is the boss! You have to listen!” He will get neutered next month…maybe that will help. LOL! 😂


    • Well, in reality I was EATING the daffodil blossom. So far that’s all I seem to want to do. Maybe when I mature a little bit more I’ll smell them. I am a very headstrong dog. Mom calls me stubborn. I do what I want to do when I want to do and mostly what I want to do is stuff that gets me treats. And if I don’t get GOOD treats I tell my parents off loudly. Mom says it’s embarrassing. Even if it’s a good treat if I only get one I tell them off. I guess I know what I like. Right?


  4. The close up shot is adorable. Can you let her off the leash (even though a purple leash is quite stylish for a young dog lady)? She is too cute. Thank you for the update.


    • Mom has let me off leash in our backyard a couple of times. We don’t have a fenced back yard, but it IS a big back yard. But mom worries that I’ll get excited and chase something like a rabbit or a chipmunk or my tail out into the street. So she doesn’t really like me to be off leash. She’s also let me sit and wait and come to her when she’s further away at my park. I’m pretty darn reliable…but she’s still nervous…so that doesn’t happen often either. It’s too bad cause I really really REALLY love to run very very fast. When I’m off my leash in my yard I run so fast mom laughs. She knows I need to do it more, but she has to find somewhere fenced in to let me go crazy.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. You really are a pretty girl, Penny.

    So what’s up in class, anyway? Why are you being so difficult? Is it because of all the work going on in your castle? No, it can’t be that, you get to go to parks and parks and parks to get away from it all.

    It’s a great way to get a good night’s sleep!


    • I don’t know, Ms. Dale. I’ve been really good in school for almost a whole year! And now it’s like I can’t let anyone else relax cause they never know what I’m going to do. I’m the smallest dog in the class too. Mom says I should stop picking fights with bigger dogs!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. how lucky your mom is to have you to explore with. And how lucky you are to have a mom to take you exploring. It’s a win-win.


    • Yes, I think you’re right, Ms. Carol! Mom and I have a lot of fun together. Mom says if I settle down I might get to go camping with her, but I can’t go if I’m going to bark at every single person or thing that walks by. Hmmmm…I’ll have to decide if it’s worth the trade off.


  7. You and mom are off on a lot of adventures Penny … whew, two parks in one day is a lot. I do that sometimes and am pretty worn out by the time I come home. I’m looking forward to seeing you in photos of colorful trees and lots of green. I don’t think you’ll be getting in any walks in all the rain or the wind we’re having.


  8. Beautiful, beautiful close-up! Spring is a grand time for visiting parks. Hope you soon get over barking and growling at other dogs.


  9. I think she is trying to be protective of you but taking her away from other dogs is probably reinforcing it. She’s telling them…stay away from my mom….and by taking her away from the danger you are telling her she is correct. Maybe have Bruce hold her and you go over and say hi to other dogs and show her it’s safe….gradually having her move closer while you pat the other dogs and making sure to always come back and pat her too. Eventually you should be able to move closer with her by your side too and give everyone pats.

    Dave was always being over protective when we went to the dog park and would try keeping the boys close by….he was conveying to them that other dogs were scary and needed to be stayed away from. eventually I had to tell him ….let them go be dogs and sort it out. They would stand at a distance and bark …occasionally run towards the other dogs but there was no fighting or anything…..but eventually they started just having fun with the other dogs and now they have no problems going over and saying hi to everyone.


  10. Love the nose in the daffodil shot -it is adorable! And thanks for the good advice – I’m actively looking for my next good spot up the path!


  11. Thanks for the sage advice, Penny. You look great in all of the photos. Enjoy exploring parks with your Mom!


  12. Oh Penny, you are a lucky girl getting to spend whole days outside your castle! 

    Shelties often have a lot to say, and aren’t afraid to say it 😂 I know Chewy always feels more comfortable around dogs that are smaller than him, and tells off the bigger ones (from a distance). Maybe you’re the same way Penny?


    • Maybe that’s it Ms. Sara! I’ll have to discuss this theory with mom! Meanwhile, please go see Bree’s posts on FB about Remi. We need all the good thoughts we can get for him!


  13. Oh Penny!!!! You are even more like Levi than I thought!!!! Levi doesn’t “bark and lunge and growl” at the dogs at daycare but he DOES do it at the people who live in our building and at the little shih tzu that sometimes lives across the hall. We get upset because he KNOWS the people in the building and still does it!!!!! You soooooooo have to meet Levi, I am dying to see how you both would get along!


  14. Aww Penny, you are such a clever girl. And so beautiful too! Parks are so much fun to visit and you are a very lucky girl to have such a kind mom who takes you there often. xx


    • Yes, mom will do I guess. Last night in class she told me “NO!” a lot though. And a couple times when I wouldn’t down like I was supposed to she pushed my behind down. I wasn’t pleased with that. I might put in a union complaint.


  15. Haha, mom is only trying to help you to be the best Penny-pup you can be! Be kind to her. xx


  16. I love that “I’m a happy girl” photo! Love to see a happy dog, Penny!


  17. Yes you have to stop and smell the flowers pretty Penny!


  18. Oh, Penny, you’re so adorable. That close up one melts my heart! You’re wise to keep taking (aka, going along with) Mom on adventures. Now if the weather would just cooperate and rain only at night and the sun shine during the day, wouldn’t we all be in tip-top moods and happy-go-lucky as a puppy on an adventure? 🤔😉😊


  19. I love that close up Penny! I hope as you get a little older your growling will stop- I know you are thinking you are protecting momma tho. I’m with momma and wouldn’t let you run off leash either! 😀


    • I’m trying to grow up, and mom took me to a park yesterday with a bike path and I walked fine with people on skates and on bikes and jogging by, even some dogs went by and I was OK. Mom says that’s because she had treats in her hand right in front of my nose. I say it’s because I’m very smart. And there were treats right in front of my nose.


  20. Hey there Penny, the Park Ranger, Will you please show me around your favorite parkes when I visit?


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