Change Is Hard

…but change is certain.

Music motivation


Tuesday nights are band rehearsal nights. Tuesdays seem to come around so fast, especially if I haven’t practiced as much as I should.

Or at all.

This week I was moving slow and arrived later than usual for me, which still means 10 minutes before we start. Anyway, I had to park further away from the door and I was slogging my way slowly there, staring at my feet, so tired, so not wanting to be there, when I happened to glance up and see a young man, still in high school, waiting patiently for me as he held the door open.

Everything inside me smiled, and I sped up, apologizing for being slow that evening.

He just laughed and said, yea, sometimes it was hard to get off the sofa. And I agreed, but added, I’m always glad to get to play once I’m here. He grinned and agreed.

And, I suppose, that’s the way it is with a lot of things. Sometimes it’s hard to get motivated, even to do things you love. But once you start you’re always glad you did.

We’re working on Peace Dancer for our June 7th concert. Turn your volume up, then listen and enjoy.

Author: dawnkinster

I'm a long time banker having worked in banks since the age of 17. I took a break when I turned 50 and went back to school. I graduated right when the economy took a turn for the worst and after a year of library work found myself unemployed. I was lucky that my previous bank employer wanted me back. So here I am again, a long time banker. Change is hard.

20 thoughts on “Music motivation

  1. Some days tired is the way it is. A spark of kindness goes a long way to making it better.


  2. So much of life is just getting started – that first step is always the hardest one!

    Kids these days… …can be just as good or bad as kids in any other “days” in history 😉 Sounds like that was one of the good ones 🙂


  3. Very true, Dawn. Good thing we have dogs to get us out of bed and out of the house, isn’t it?


  4. Listening now! Willingness is key, sometimes I have to work for simply willing to be willing to be willing, and that can be just that crack in the door. My mind tells me I’m never motivated ha


  5. We’re practicing on Tuesday evenings, too! Of course our summers are more filled with patriotic themes, movie tunes, rock and roll favorites, big band stuff, etc. Peace Dancer sounds challenging, but pretty. We couldn’t work up something like that during the summers because we practice each Tuesday and have a concert each Thursday!


    • That’s a big commitment, to have a concert every Thursday! Are they outside? Yes, Peace Dancer is taking some work. You’d think it wouldn’t be that difficult, it’s a lot of long notes…but nothing is intuitive in it, you have to count and almost every measure is in a different meter.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. That’s a pretty piece Dawn. What instrument do you play? I arrived late to your blog and I’m sure most followers know. I played accordion as a youngster in Canada. I took lessons for three years and we played some recitals, mostly for senior citizens in rest homes. When we moved to the U.S. my parents could not find anyone who gave accordion lessons, so the instrument has been in the basement now for 58 years.


    • I play clarinet, have since I was 10. There were some years after high school I didn’t play, many years…but I’ve been playing with a community band now off and on for about 30 years.

      My mom played accordion some when I was real little I kind of remember, and there’s a picture of her playing before she had kids. She also played violin and piano and ukulele. She was a music major in college, so I guess she learned to play lots more too, but I don’t remember seeing her play anything else.

      You might find a private instructor now, if the instrument still works.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you – that’s a long time playing in a community band. A high school friend of mine played clarinet in high school, then at Wayne State University and U of M. She no longer plays and lives in North Carolina now. I would doubt the accordion still works to be honest, although the case is packed with silicone bags and the basement is finished. My father was German – perhaps he thought I’d like to be in an oompah band. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Getting started sure can be the hardest part. Sometimes, it’s not even clear what the hold up is; I suspect that a lot of so-called writers’ block falls into that category. It’s not so much a block as a simple unwillingness to put the first word on the page. Once that’s done, the next ones come more easily.


  8. Usually when you “go reluctantly” so to speak, you end up having the best time.

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