Change Is Hard

…but change is certain.

Beautifully unwanted


Yesterday we experienced hail, sleet, and a tiny bit of snow but mostly cold driving rain fell all day. It was a no good kind of day through and through. And this morning I woke to this.

Early morning blue light shows off the overnight snow.

It was the ‘blue hour’ when Katie-girl decided we needed to go outside. I couldn’t help but try to capture the magic that surprised me once we got outside.

Wet snow covered every detail.

And then, as the sun came up I saw how truly beautiful, but truly unnecessary, it all was. From the warmth of our living room I framed the backyard, ornamented by some Florida seashells on the mantel.

Cold and warmth represented.

I liked the juxtaposition, not the snow.

Still, it was stunning, and on my way to an appointment in town I couldn’t help but park and dart out to take a picture or two.

No matter how boring the scene, the snow made it prettier.

Or three.

I knew it wouldn’t last long and by the time I got back home it would be gone. No chance to take Katie for a walk in it, no time for formal portraits against the black and white art of Mother Nature.

Swampy wetlands looked beautiful against the black and white of the trees beyond.

No, just a few clicks with the camera on my phone in the early morning light would have to do.

Even muddy dirt roads look good decorated with fresh sticky snow.

It was beautiful and it was gone within the hour. I hope that’s the last of our snow for this season.

Spring green of the willow competes with stark white of yet another snowfall.

Our grass has greened, the trees are budding and our early spring flowers are in bloom.

No early morning golfers today.

Time for winter to let it go.

Just stop.

But it’s Michigan, so I’m not betting on it.

Waiting patiently for summer.

Author: dawnkinster

I'm a long time banker having worked in banks since the age of 17. I took a break when I turned 50 and went back to school. I graduated right when the economy took a turn for the worst and after a year of library work found myself unemployed. I was lucky that my previous bank employer wanted me back. So here I am again, a long time banker. Change is hard.

24 thoughts on “Beautifully unwanted

  1. I actually got a chill and had goosebumps from looking at those pictures.


  2. All lovely. And I love the stop sign. Good luck with Spring.


    • The stop sign had been covered in snow, the wind overnight blowing the snow directly on it. Then it began to warm up and the snow stop sign began to slide down the metal one. Was pretty cool.


  3. Oh my gosh, Dawn. This is so beautiful–your photos, your thoughts put into words. Simply beautiful.


  4. It is pretty, but mid-April? Yuck. I hope Spring finds you soon!


  5. your photos sure made it all look gorgeous!


  6. Fabulous photos – I especially appreciate the shot taken through the window.

    I’ve been cranky about the ever-enduring winter up here. Who needs daylight savings time if the only benefit is the ability to see the snowbanks after dinner?


  7. Great title for this blog!
    Seems like, thinking back to my time living in Michigan (about half my life at this point), it usually snowed right in the middle of April, and that was the last snow of the season. I remember the year my dad bought a new boat, and it was April 15 ( why do I remember that?). We went for our first ride in it on Lake St Clair…in the snow, on that same day.


  8. And of course as always, your photos are fantastic!


  9. These photos are truly stunning, but I’m glad you got the snow instead of us. (sorry!) We had a cold, driving rain occasionally mixed with big fat snowflakes much of the day. Fortunately, nothing stuck though it did do a number on the early bloomers.


  10. Beautiful. My son’s up in Cheboygan right now, looking to move up there. Thanks for the beautiful photos. What do you use for a camera?


  11. Your photos are lovely, as usual. And yes, it’s not unusual to get snow in April, or even May sometimes – but Old Man Winter has shared his beauty with us for months now, so he should go into hibernation and let spring in.


  12. It does look beautiful- but ENOUGH already!!


  13. Your photographs ARE beautiful, though — stunning! I kept thinking each one was my favorite, and then the next would make me think again.


  14. If you have to have snow in April, it is good that it was beautiful. 😊 Great shots! ❤️


  15. We just had rain for a change. Your photos are beautiful!


  16. That is my kind of snow when it does not stick to the road but yet the landscape has a dusting.
    Your Friend
    Sweet William The Scot


  17. Pingback: Snow infringes yet again | Change Is Hard

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