Change Is Hard

…but change is certain.

Bird tails


I was at Kensington last week. We were lucky enough to find the red-headed woodpecker and his friends on this walk.

They don’t care about you, dove, they just want to see me!

Hey, settle down woodpecker, they left enough stuff for all of us.

Yea, I guess you’re right. I feel bad about my behavior now.

Sorry, man. Help yourself.

We can still be friends…right?

Hey blackbird, I was just telling the dove that there’s enough for everybody.

I’ll just take mine to go.

Sometimes I forget it’s not all about me.

Author: dawnkinster

I'm a long time banker having worked in banks since the age of 17. I took a break when I turned 50 and went back to school. I graduated right when the economy took a turn for the worst and after a year of library work found myself unemployed. I was lucky that my previous bank employer wanted me back. So here I am again, a long time banker. Change is hard.

32 thoughts on “Bird tails

  1. Wow! Gorgeous shots of those beautiful birds!!!



  2. LOVE your captions! Have never seen a red headed woodpecker- what a beauty!!


    • Until last year I didn’t even know there WAS such a bird. And this is the only place I’ve ever seen one. Not anywhere in the park, just this one corner of the trail on this one stump that is now disintegrating. 

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Nice set of pictures. That is one handsome bird. Love the bright red head.


  4. I love how you can hear what they are saying. :-) It really is wonderful. The photos are spectacular, as always, but also the heart that you put into “hearing”.


    • It’s funny. When I look at a string of images later after a long day of shooting I often see whole stories played out that I didn’t recognize in the moment. It’s fun to think about what they might be saying. 


  5. What a great series of images. The captions are gold!


  6. What a fantastic photo story, Dawn! Those red-headed woodpeckers aren’t easy to find, and I’m super-happy to see yours up close.


  7. Besides the fabulous commentary, I love the variety of birds at the water cooler… I mean, Stump!


  8. These are great bird shots Dawn and fun captions as well. I saw a fleeting glance of a Red-headed Woodpecker at Lake Erie Metropark last year, but not close-up like you have here. I see in the Metropark Photographer Facebook site, a lot of people have been lucky to see this fellow and on this same piece of wood. I see a few decimated trees at the park where I walk daily and it’s hard to believe that one Red-bellied Woodpecker does all that damage himself.


  9. Excellent photography. Beautiful birds. Very interesting love friendship story tailing you. Nice you sharing talking between red-headed woodpecker & dove! Nice understanding between communication. I like birds.


  10. Great pictures, as usual. It’s been too chilly to go anywhere interesting lately. Hoping to drive a ways south on Monday to see the eclipse.


  11. Wonderful images, Dawn! You left a comment on the “Clay” blog that I published today. I read it, replied to it (said, “Thanks, Dawn! I hope to get back in the habit of making art every day, which makes me more confident abut sharing it.”), then accidentally trashed both your comment and my reply. I’m sorry!


  12. I’ve never seen a red headed woodpecker in person. So beautiful! He kind of reminds me of a penguin, but with a red head.


  13. I saw woodpeckers in our area. Your an amazing woodpeckers and beautiful images. Anita


  14. This looks like such a fun little photo shoot! Was Penny with you? If she was she must’ve been quite well behaved. Tell her I said, “good girl!”


  15. I love your story, Dawn. I can just imagine the birds saying exactly what you said! 🙂


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