Change Is Hard

…but change is certain.

Reilly and me


Katie here. HEY! After years and years of a long distance relationship I finally got to meet Reilly the Cowspot Dog in person! Nose to nose! Well, more like nose to behind at first, but now we’re on a nose to nose basis. He is so tall, dark and handsome! I just love him to pieces. I think he likes me too.

Me and Reilly - taken by Reilly's mom.

Me and Reilly – taken by Reilly’s mom.

Mama and I got down to Florida on Thursday evening, and we all spent some time getting to know each other. There’s Reilly the big boy, and his little brother and best man Denny. And of course his mom and dad.

My Reilly and his brother Denny.

My Reilly and his brother Denny.

I like everyone here, though I have to admit I did show Reilly my teeth a tiny bit right at first. But now all three of us doggies can run and chase the ball in the living room. Reilly usually wins, cause he’s the biggest. And to be truthful, I generally just jump up on the sofa when they’re playing, as is due my stature as a princess. That way I can watch the action without getting stepped on.

I also have sucked up…um…bonded.. with Riley’s mom and dad. In fact my mama and Reilly’s mom went away for most of the day today and I hung out with Reilly’s dad. It was fun. I got to sit on the sofa with him and chill out. All us pups slept a lot today which is a good thing. Cause the moms are making us go on lots of mini adventures while I’m here.

Our first adventure was a walk on the beach!

Our first adventure was a walk on the beach!

I’ve been to the beach! On the Atlantic Ocean! Oh my dog, that’s one big lake!

But mama!  Reilly and I want to explore those sandy hills over there!

But mama! Reilly and I want to explore those sandy hills over there!

And I’ve visited a couple of Reilly’s parks Everything is so green!

It looks like summer around here mama!

It looks like summer around here mama!

I’m not used to that in February; usually I have snow to play in…but it’s pretty wonderful here right now. No snow, but not so hot as to make a sheltie-girl miserable. No bugs to speak of either. Mama saw some great campgrounds that we would have loved to explore. Maybe someday we’ll be back with our tent!

It's like a jungle here!

It’s like a jungle here!

I had a lot of fun. When mama asked me last week if I wanted to go on an adventure I never dreamed it would be like this!

Going for a walk with my guys.

Going for a walk with my guys.

I’m not sure what we’re going to do tomorrow, but I heard someone say something about a sunrise. Maybe I better hit the sack early tonight so I can be sure to get mama up extra early.

I know she’d appreciate that.

My man Reilly.  Isn't he beautiful?

My man Reilly. Isn’t he beautiful?

Author: dawnkinster

I'm a long time banker having worked in banks since the age of 17. I took a break when I turned 50 and went back to school. I graduated right when the economy took a turn for the worst and after a year of library work found myself unemployed. I was lucky that my previous bank employer wanted me back. So here I am again, a long time banker. Change is hard.

30 thoughts on “Reilly and me

  1. Precious! And I envy them the beach trip to Florida. Oh and their moms, too, lol.


  2. The Atlantic Ocean?! I’m on the other side–the Gulf Coast of Florida. Katie–I’m so glad you are visiting Florida now–in a couple of months the heat would make even a princess feel faint. Have fun!


  3. Great travel/friends journal and photos, Katie! Enjoyed today’s post very much.


  4. How neat that you finally got to meet Reilly and his brother. Oh yeah, and Reilly’s mom and dad. Enjoy that big lake enough for me too, okay?


  5. Awww, what a sweetheart you are! I bet Reilly was so thrilled to see his darling girl finally! Reilly’s ocean looks huge and beautiful, and it’s so bright and sunny there. Enjoy your holidays with Reilly and Denny! Love all the pictures of you three!


  6. All such beauties- and such fun!! I love Reilly’s coloring. Thanks for sharing this part of the adventure!


  7. Such beautiful pupsters!


  8. Now THAT is cool!! And to think, I am in Michigan and STILL haven’t met you BOL!!


  9. Katie, you go on the best-est adventures!! I Dallas confess to being just a bit pea-green with envy — of course, we don’t have snow either, so I guess that’s a plus (nor do we have a big lake, sigh).


  10. What awesome pictures of the trio.

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  11. Pingback: Reilly, my love | Change Is Hard

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