Change Is Hard

…but change is certain.

Katie’s Walktober


Hi everyone, Katie here. Mama told me Ms. Robin was hosting Walktober again this year. I’m so glad, it’s always good to have an excuse to go for a walk. I think everyone benefits from getting outside, don’t you agree?

I did my Walktober on an interesting weather day!

I definitely believe in getting mama off the couch as often as I can. She’s not always so appreciative.

Well, anyway, this time I owe mama cause we walked at a new park, Rose Oaks, which is about 6 miles from our house. Even though it’s not far I’ve never been there and mama has only been there once.

Those are the clouds that hailed on us!

She went this summer but the mosquitoes made her run out of the woods. She said she wanted to go back and she thought maybe she’d do her Walktober there. But when she told me she was thinking about heading over there I made it abundently clear that I needed a Walktober too, and this park sounded perfect for me.

There weren’t a lot of flowers, but this one was pretty!

So she sighed and said she’d let me use our walk at Rose Oaks as my Walktober this year.

Turns out it began to rain and then hail on our way to the park. But it cleared up just after we arrived, so we got to explore almost right away. First thing mama took me out on this long dock.

You sure you want to go way out there, mama?

I wasn’t sure I liked being on the dock, I could see water right under my feet! As you know I am a Princess, and I do not like getting my feet wet, so I wasn’t happy that water was so close. But I’m also a good girl, and since mama wanted to go out there I went too.

Well come on then mama! I’m always waiting for you!

The view was pretty spectacular, what with the storm clouds moving overhead. Still, I wasn’t all that comfortable out there, so mama and I headed to the woods. But first we had to walk over another long bridge.

Hurry up, mama, the woods are right over here!

Finally we got to the woods. Since mama forgot to look at the map she wasn’t sure which way to go. So she let me decide.

Which way should we go, mama?

I thought this way looked pretty. What do you think?

There’s a little bit of color over this way, mama!

To be honest, mama took a lot of pictures of stuff that wasn’t me. She kept stopping, and the worst thing was when she was taking pictures of flowers I didn’t get a treat!

Mama liked these yellow flowers with that red background.

I think I’ve made it clear that when she takes a picture I’m supposed to get a treat. It’s in my contract. There’s nothing in there that says the picture has to be of me. One shot, one treat, that’s the rule.

Sometimes mama likes me to sit next to big trees just because they’re cool. I’ll do that for a treat.

We walked a ways into the woods looking for color.

There wasn’t a lot of color, but what was there was really pretty.

And then you know what happened? It started to rain! Well, not on us, not at first. We could hear it coming though, mama said it sounded really cool coming from way off in the woods. And then she said I needed to hurry up because we were a long way from the car.

Wait mama! You said we needed to find color, how about this? 

I, of course, was not in the hurrying up sort of mood. I wanted to sniff stuff some more. And don’t forget I’m almost forteen, a forteen year old does not hurry. Unless treats are offered.

The sun came out and so did my shadow!

So we mosied along toward the car and you know what happened next? Nothing! The rain never got to us. So when we came to another trail I decided we should go explore that one too and mama signed and rolled her eyes and followed me along.

It was, after all, my Walktober.

Come on, mama, let’s keep walking!

We wandered a bit more, until mama said we should turn around. At which time I sat down and refused to head back to the car unless I got a treat. She gave up after she saw I was serious. Not turning around mama unless I get something!

Not going anywhere, mama, without a treat.

Sometimes mama is smart and just goes with the flow and this time was like that. Mamas can be trained.

Pretty when the sun shown through them.

After my treat I trotted along willingly. To tell you the truth I was getting kind of tired anyway.

Mama stopped and took a few more pictures but pretty soon we were back at the car. I know there’s a whole lot more to this park than we got to see, and I hope mama takes me back again, maybe when it’s cooler and I feel more like trotting along.

Wait up mama!

Meanwhile, I thought you’d enjoy seeing my new park. I call it Katie’s Park III.

Last bit of sun on the leaves before we left.

Time for a nap now. I bet Mama will take one too, we’re both getting older, don’t you know.

Thanks mama, I got sort of dirty, but that was fun!

And thanks to Ms. Robin for hosting Walktober.  Mama and I look forward to it every year and we know it isn’t always easy to host these kinds of things.  We sure appreciate it!


Now I need to get mama off the sofa and out into the woods somewhere so she can go on her own Walktober.  Personally I think she should take me along, because I’m the best Walktober pal she’s ever had.

Don’t you know.

Your park guide gal,

Mama’s artsy-fartsy picture. She always has one.

Author: dawnkinster

I'm a long time banker having worked in banks since the age of 17. I took a break when I turned 50 and went back to school. I graduated right when the economy took a turn for the worst and after a year of library work found myself unemployed. I was lucky that my previous bank employer wanted me back. So here I am again, a long time banker. Change is hard.

36 thoughts on “Katie’s Walktober

  1. Katie, I loved your Walktober, and that picture of your “dirty face” is simply precious! I’m surprised you didn’t see more Fall color, you being farther north than I am. I’m still trying to decide where to do my own Walktober — I’ll be dog-less but I know Dallas will be beside me in spirit!


    • We have some really pretty color around here, just not where she wanted to do her Walktober, at least not yet there. Dallas will definitely be with you on your Walktober, we look forward to seeing where you go!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Katie, you go on the best walks. I like your perspective on things. So fun


  3. Katie–you are the greatest park guide! I think you had better get out that contract before you and Mama head out from now on. She seems to be getting pretty forgetful.


  4. These are beautiful photographs, Dawn — the closeup portrait of Katie, especially, but also the color you found and that pond reflecting the clouds, Sarah and I have been in the bookstore all day (except for a short walk along the creek in the early afternoon sunshine), so I particularly enjoyed going along on Walktober with Dawn and Katie. — Sorry I addressed my comment to your mom, Katie! Habit! I am a creature of habit!


  5. Oh Katie, *sigh* you are definitely the best Walktober pal and park guide ever. I hope your Mama knows how much you add to this entire post. Marlee says she wants to go on Walktober like you do.


  6. Oh Katie, what a wonderful post! Thanks for reminding me to get my own Katie again someday, to get me outdoors even more than I already do 💕


  7. Nice to read your Walktober, Katie. Very nice pictures of our October beauty. (And you of course.)


  8. Oh, that sweet dog! The walk was lovely, but nothing beats Katie. She deserves every treat she can get.


  9. Artsy fartsy best photo ever!! 💕 You’re BEAUTIFUL Katie and I enjoyed walking through this new park with you and your mama. Your mama takes the best photos and even though she is slow on your walk to take them, we love it when she shares them all with us. Thank you Dawn and Katie! 💗


  10. Hi Katie What a great walk around! I like the name of your new park too! Hope your Dad is feeling okay:)


    • Katie says HI back…and thanks you for stopping by. Her Dad is feeling pretty good, has a headache but otherwise is doing well. Mama, on the other hand just got positive test results so is in a bit of a sulk.


  11. Dawn & Katie:
    We’re glad to see you’re getting started on exploring our favorite park.
    Pam & Scout


    • Katie says thank you very much Ms. Pam and handsome Scout for telling mama about this park. We hope to get out more this winter when it’s cooler and Katie can go for a longer explore.


  12. What a beautiful walk, Katie. Don’t tell anyone else I said this (we wouldn’t want to upset anyone)… your Walktober walks are always my favorite. I love seeing things from your point of view. I’m so glad you got to explore a new park. And you look beautiful, as always. 🙂

    This note is for your mama: All of your images are wonderful, but the third one, with the purple flower, made me gasp. It’s breathtakingly beautiful. Do you sell prints? And if so, can I purchase this one from you?


    • Well Ms. Robin, Katie says thank you very much, she enjoys her Walktobers so much, she’s grateful to you for inventing them! Mama doesn’t sell images, never occured to her, but she will send the purple flower to you. She is honored that you love it so much! Watch for an email with an attachment. I think mama has your email anyway….

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Pingback: Walktober in times of covid | Change Is Hard

  14. A lovely park to explore for your Walktober, Katie. Your energy (not to mention good looks 😉 ) are impressive for a 14-yr. old. ❤ But watch out for all those treats… too many is not good for your waistline. 😀


  15. The last photo is wonderful – like a Monet – ♥


  16. What a fun walk! Thank you for sharing and for inspiring me to bring my favorite tour guide, Bear, next time. Your pictures and perspective are beautiful like you (both).


  17. What a lovely autumn walk! Those clouds are spectacular and the fall colors lovely with the light behind them. Katie, are you a Shetland Sheepdog? (I had one when I was a little girl, named Skipper. You remind me of him with your pleasant facial expressions…)


  18. What a lovely walk, Katie! My mama refused to bring me…can you imagine? I’m 11 years old, not even as old as you but my mama knows my hips would have cut our walk way too short. She did take me out for a little bit after, though.
    Your mama’s pictures are beautiful. You be sure to tell her, okay?


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