Change Is Hard

…but change is certain.

WordPress Photo Challenge: Optimistic


I’m feeling pretty lucky to be living up here in Michigan right now, as the blizzard Jonah is bearing down on the south and east. So far this winter has pretty much passed us by. Sure we’ve got a tiny bit of snow on the ground. And it has been cold for a couple of weeks, but this winter is nothing like the last two evil and nasty winters we all suffered through.

Still, this week’s photo challenge is all about looking forward from the middle of the long winter. What makes us feel hopeful that we’re headed toward warmer weather? What keeps us going when we’re tired of shoveling, scraping frost off windshields, bundling up, driving on treacherous roads?

Stopping for a quick visit at Matthaei Conservatory always lifts my winter blues. It’s tropical inside with lush green trees and flowering plants. And in the back is the dry hot air of a desert complete with intriguing desert plant life. For a little while you can lose yourself in another place. A warm place.

I always like to stop and visit a huge rotating pot full of colorful plants. The plants are changed with the seasons, but the best part of this exhibit is the kaleidoscope that transforms the colors in the pot into changeable art. I took this image through the eye of the kaleidoscope. As the pot of plants rotates the image changes.

Spring in the eyepiece.

Spring in the eyepiece.

It’s magic and always makes me smile. And smiling in winter? Well, that’s the first step on the road to optimism.

See other optimistic responses at the original link above. It’s early…so I haven’t picked out any favorites yet. But optimism is such a wonderful concept, they’re all bound to be great.

Another view...just turn the pot.

Another view…just turn the pot.

Author: dawnkinster

I'm a long time banker having worked in banks since the age of 17. I took a break when I turned 50 and went back to school. I graduated right when the economy took a turn for the worst and after a year of library work found myself unemployed. I was lucky that my previous bank employer wanted me back. So here I am again, a long time banker. Change is hard.

14 thoughts on “WordPress Photo Challenge: Optimistic

  1. I saw this morning, in a small flower bed where the snow has all melted, green! My Lemon Ice and Campanula plants are still green! I am now optimistic that spring will come.


  2. We’re actually jealous cause Mom is in the mood for a HUGE storm, so that 1) it seems like winter 2) so she can eat copious amounts of food. We sure wish that Jonas storm would head our way! Barks and licks and love, Dakota


  3. Love that rotating pot of flowers — what a cool idea! We’ve got cold and some snow on the ground, but nothing like what’s headed south and east. Personally, I’m ready for Spring!!


  4. Pingback: Optimistic (Arches) | Chris Breebaart Photography / What's (in) the picture?

  5. Okay, now that is a cool idea!
    I’m still looking forward to some more cold weather, but we can just skip the garbage of March and April and I’ll be happy 🙂


  6. No matter how old you are, how much money you have, or how many degrees you’ve accumulated a kaleidoscope, for each of us, creates such a spectacular view of the world.


  7. Those are great! Since this is my first time visiting, i also have to say your Sheltie is beautiful. Looking at your blog list, we have a lot of the same blog friends.


  8. We were dusted with snow last night as I was feeding the horses. Expecting a blizzard inCentral Alabama is too much to ask for, I guess.


  9. what a wonderful way to display the plants – that would be something to see


  10. Cool photos!

    For me, this is the winter that wasn’t. Jonas is missing us, but I wouldn’t have minded if it happened on a weekday….I’d really like at least one snow day this school year. Heck, I’d take a two hour delay.


  11. What a coincidence, Dawn! Sitting here in a coffee shop, discussing American national and regional politics with a friend, at last we came up with a couple rays of hope. I said, “Sometimes we have to beat the bushes to find a few weeds of optimism, don’t we?” And then I find your lovely post!


  12. I believe I would like a kaleidoscope on my desk. I wonder if I could make one . . . I am so distractible. But optimistic! Day by day it’s growing lighter out there.


  13. I would do the same in Ottawa when I had a long bus commute with too many transfers to get home from school. I would love myself in the Conservatory and lose track of time in the bonsais, banana trees…

    Liked by 1 person

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