Change Is Hard

…but change is certain.

A taste of Norway


We’re still away, and there is little time to blog, but I’ve been working on editing several hundred photos and I thought maybe you’d like to peek.

Our home away from home.

We are exploring southern Norway, following my husband’s family history. It’s beautiful country.

Near the site of my husband’s great grandfather’s home. What a view he had in the early 1900s!

It’s hard not to fall in love.

Small communities dot the coast. I wonder what it would be like to live here.

We will be home soon. I’ll write at least one post about our experiences. I don’t know how I’ll pick the photos.

Following the coast looking for sweet images. They were everywhere.

There’s just so much to see.

This looks like a peaceful spot.

I’ll catch up on your blogs when I get home. I fall asleep every night before I can make much of a dent in my email.

But it’s a good sleep.

Author: dawnkinster

I'm a long time banker having worked in banks since the age of 17. I took a break when I turned 50 and went back to school. I graduated right when the economy took a turn for the worst and after a year of library work found myself unemployed. I was lucky that my previous bank employer wanted me back. So here I am again, a long time banker. Change is hard.

23 thoughts on “A taste of Norway

  1. You’ve made me wonder what it would be like to live there too. It looks so serene.


  2. This looks like heaven!!


  3. It looks beautiful! Enjoy!!! I bet Katie misses you. Your photo are all wonderful the light in the evenings and early morning must be awesome:)


  4. Norway? Lucky you! This is a beautiful batch of photos, and I’m looking forward to seeing more. Who wouldn’t love all that water?!?


  5. Does Katie know where you guys are??!! You can write your post, Dawn, but I am sure Katie has way more to sayabout this! 🙂
    Norway looks beautiful! Your home away from home…..I think I could live there. Have fun!


  6. How beautiful! One of my blogging friends lives in Norway here’s his
    instagram link madsbjorkli and he is a musician-
    Such beautiful land.


  7. It all looks so beautiful. I’m looking forward to reading (and seeing) more about your adventures.


  8. how ever will you choose the next photos— they are all so beautiful! Enjoy!


  9. Great photos. Funny, some of my friends just got back from Norway, they’ve been posting pictures on FB.


  10. The blue of the sea and sky, and the green of the forest–you chose a great travel destination!


  11. Pingback: That stupendous things to do list from 2019 | Change Is Hard

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